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PM-15 projects sharing know-how, under a CAPTAIN’s collaboration initiative

CAPTAIN EU project undertook the initiative to hold a cross-project collaboration meeting, on 1st of March in Brussels, among all projects that are funded under the PM-15 H2020, as a follow-up event of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA) Conference of Partners.

The main idea of this initiative was to maximise resources by joining forces of all leading H2020 coaching projects, approved under the SC1-PM-15-2017 “Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age” call, and try to establish a common underlying technical framework. CAPTAIN, COUCHWellCoEMPATHICHolobalanceNESTORESAAMvCare were present in that 1st Plenary Meeting, where the very first objectives of the initiative were set.

At the beginning of the meeting, all participating coordinators had the opportunity to introduce their projects, with a special focus on technical aspects. In addition, partners emphasized on technical problems solved by their consortia, in order the currently existing solutions to be transferred to the rest of the partners. The Plenary Meeting closed with a follow-up discussion, during which all participants agreed on the creation of a common architecture, as well as, on the definition of mechanisms that favour the communication among projects, in order to “speak the same language” and be more easily integrated in case of further exploitation.

Partners also agreed on continuing the initiative in the coming months, with further meetings and teleconferences, sharing know-how and resources, without, however, violating the intellectual property rights of their projects.

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